
Miriam Mumba popularly known as Suwilanji is a Zambian born singer, Pastor and Songwriter who has produced four albums and travels globally to minister the Gospel through her soulful music. She debuted on the local Gospel scene with an album titled 'Mwanjitile Akale' which instantly announced her entry into the Christian music community. 'Mulilonshi', her second album released in 2012 and 'Ulukombo' released in 2014 was both her personal testimony and songs of hope for all those going through trials and tribulations.
The release of the first and second album made her hit the international market and took one of her life-changing trip to the U. S. A where she was invited to minister and attend special events. In 2014 she returned to the U. S. A and took her back-up band, a gesture that reviewed her true dedication in the music ministry.

Her trips globally, are a clear testimony of her amazing dedication and devotion to spreading the word of God. Bestowed with the 2007 and 2008 Mukuba Award and the 2013 and 2014 Zambia Music Best Female Award accolades, she has taken her ministry beyond the Zambian borders.

Having so much faith in the Lord and with her passion and gift for music regardless of the challenges encountered in the process, she returned to the studio to record her new 2024 fourth album aptly titled 'Mupulampako'. In this album she describes God as the God who supercedes all power and authority and has no boundaries. Suwilanji continues to grow and expand in her music ministry as she's the most influential and popular female gospel artist in zambia.