Simon Aidoo Pray popular known by his showbiz name 'DCEEY' was born on 26th July in the 90s and aims to be the new light in the Afropop and Afrobeats music scene.

DCEEY's music focuses on life and love, introducing versatility in his writing and music. He has a unique way of communicating relatable issues in life and in love.

Before his music career, DCEEY actively pursued football, until he went into coma after a football game. This led to a lot of hardship for him and his family since they needed to do all they can to get him back well. Thankfully, he made a full recovery. Music, therefore, became an outlet for him to voice out challenges he goes through and his wins as well.

DCEEY released his hit song 'Addicted' in 2021 which won him an award for the Best Emerging Music Art 2021 at the Ghana Merit Awards. The award-winning music maker focuses on writing relatable music with quality production to ensure he only provides the best for his fans.