Yaw Ray

Yaw Ray is a versatile songwriter and performer who embarked on his musical journey in Kumasi, Ghana. Initially starting out as a rapper alongside a fellow high school mate who was an aspiring producer, they recorded demos using limited resources, often relying on church instruments. However, as Yaw Ray explored his musical abilities, he discovered a natural talent for singing and captivating audiences with his acoustic guitar performances.

Drawing inspiration from legendary highlife artists like Daddy Lumba and Kojo Antwi, Yaw Ray's music showcases a fusion of contemporary sounds with the timeless essence of highlife and Afrobeats. His profound love for singing developed through feedback from friends and the realization that music could be a powerful medium to alleviate societal traumas and spread love.

With the release of his second single, "Boa-me," Yaw Ray garnered attention and quickly gained recognition for his velvety, captivating voice. Listeners began drawing comparisons between him and their favorite artists, acknowledging his unique talent and distinct musical style.

Beyond just entertainment, Yaw Ray's music serves as a unifying force, bridging gaps between families and friends. His heartfelt lyrics and soulful melodies create a sense of connection and evoke deep emotions among listeners

Feel the magic and let Yaw Ray’s music be the soundtrack to your emotions.

Feel it!!!!!